Orders Mailed Out:
Janet- 4 custom wipes wetbags
Thomas- 2 day trainers & 2 night trainers
Daria- Recycled wool longies
Bonnie- 2yds of Candy PUL
Maureen- 6 Mudsliders
Lucinda- custom overnight trainer- awaiting order details
Jessica- 2 overnight trainers- 90% completed
Jane- 4 nighttime trainers- cut and ready to sew
Grace- 3 Skirties & 2 Prissy Pants- next to be cut
Windy- 6pk mudsliders, wipes, unpaper towels and napkins, 1 overnight trainer, 2 day trainers- 50% completed
Kathryn- 3 nighttime trainers- finalizing order details
Kim- 2 ispy bags- next to be cut